Quran protects us

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Surah Fatiha protects from Allah’s wrath.
Surah Yasin from thirst on the Day of Judgement. Surah Waqia from worries.
Surah Mulk from the punishment in the grave.
Surah Kosar from enemy’s enmity.
Surah Kaferoun from disbelief at death.
Surah Ikhlas from hypocracy.
Surah Falak from jealous people.
Surah Nas from evil whispers (bad thoughts).

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Choice of language

Filed Under: Labels:
2 homosapiens ascended a certain geological protuberance to collect a hydride of oxygen who’s quantity isn’t specified.
1 member descends dramatically suffering mechanical damage to the cranial part of his anatomical structure. The 2nd member follows the first in a similar series of rapid irregular disturbing movements.

In simple English:
Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.

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