You're Probably A Geek If

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Your web page is far more popular than you

Your home page is more impressive than your resume

Your computer has more phone lines than the people in your house

You ask a woman for her e-mail address instead of her phone number

You think FrontPage is for whimps

You run Windows 95, 3.1 and Unix just because you can

You spend more time on the Net than you do sleeping

You "call in" sick to work via e-mail

Everyone in your family has multiple e-mail addresses

You've have a LAN set-up in your house

Your idea of hurrying is typing faster

You keep spare mouse pads

You keep a spare PC just to test virus hoaxes

You use a tape backup to save Web Sites you've visited

You have more invested in computers than you do your kids

You have and use every known commercial/shareware anti-virus program

You see how far you can move the mouse w/o turning off the screen saver

At night, you check your e-mail before you check your answering machine

You still have original version of NetScape

You not only use computer acronyms, you know what they're short for too

You have a better computer system at home than at work

You can quote chapter and verse from various html manuals

You're still not sure if adding graphics to the Internet was a good idea

You don't think any of the foregoing is either funny or unusual

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